Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gestational Diabetes Sore Spot Why Can't They Prick My Finger For My Gestational Diabetes Test? Why Do They Have To Draw Blood?

Why can't they prick my finger for my Gestational Diabetes test? Why do they have to draw blood? - gestational diabetes sore spot

I have to go tomorrow and my test for gestational diabetes. Projection, which I had yesterday. I will limit sugar was 135 and my 144th Why can not you actually the finger 4 times a 3-hour test instead of drawing stick my blood! I HATE always drawn blood and I have 1 and arm pain yesterday.

If you are diagnosed with GD and control your blood sugar every day, not just the prick of blood from the finger pull. No?

My husband is so angry. Think they need and do not want blood blood! In my last pregnancy, I took the test but they took about 10 or 12 vials of blood! Then she called me and told me they had enough! I wondered why there were not enough, with everything they have! Then they called me to tell me they are tired and need not worry. Just a little odd, I thought, and now this! I think my husband thinks I want my blood, because the situation in the first pregnancy.


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