Friday, February 19, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Tooth Pain How Do I Get Rid Off Teeth Pain?

How do I get rid off teeth pain? - how to get rid of tooth pain

I have a toothache for about a week, but now they want a dentist that I can see very afraid of what I do to get rid of pain?

Please help.


Anonymous said...

You should consider, as a dentist. You may need new fillings, decay from the nerves that the exposure may be, or you may need a tooth extraction.

It takes understanding a PSA or a bite to your teeth.I, who does not seek to see a dentist. However, there are not many alternatives.

Good Luck

AnimalFi... said...

You probably have a cavity. Unfortunately, no other choice than to go to the dentist to fix it. If tooth decay is more Abbesses and root can die, and you lose the tooth.

There is nothing to fear from the dentist. The only thing that hurts is the shot given to numb, and it takes only about 10 seconds.

Kernow Lady said...

Not much. You must see a dentist. Your pain in these days to see.

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