Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Muay Thai Shin Pads Good Price How Do I Heal An Old Shin Injury?

How do I heal an old shin injury? - muay thai shin pads good price

I Muay Thai in about three weeks, and shin guards not trained. As a result, I became very bruised right leg. I noticed that the swelling immediately (after an injury later) a few minutes and thought it would sink.
In fact, it remains tender and the area. For most of the stain is gone, but the swelling did not change, and I'm kind of questions. I know there is an accumulation of fluid or something, but really do not know where I go from here.

I wonder what does anybody know how long it takes to heal the wound (on your own)? Or am I better off always checked by a doctor?


starz said...

Definitely a pattern. also:

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