Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bone Density Test Results What Does A Bone Density Test Measure And How Is It Done?

What does a bone density test measure and how is it done? - bone density test results

I have my 1 one of this year.


MaviGozl... said...

Bone density tests as well as bone density. Bone consists of organic and inorganic. The organic content is a network of proteins and the mineral is a type of calcium phosphate (a form called hydroxyapatite).

Because the density of tissue, bone scatters X-rays, X-rays lie in the dark, not the bones behind, and why the bones are in the movie as Light / White, while the less dense distribution of soft tissue or absorption is not X-ray, and the film is darker.

Bone mineral density (BMD) measured by low dose X-ray machines that measure bone density in specific locations (lumbar spine, head or the head of the thigh). Do not use film, but with a detector measures the intensity of X-rays pass through, and is calibrated against known densities.

Osteoporosis affects mostly women. It would be useful to a first reading of BMD, when a woman is relatively young (basic) will receive, and then follow the changes in bone mineral density in recent years. Unfotunately is not really practical for women on the screen, and the machines of aRe not necessarily everywhere. His first reading is expected to be followed over time to see if you have a progressive loss of bone density, or see if you get to know and avoid, in accordance with the treatment or to reverse the decline in BMD.

Smiley said...

This test measures the amount of calcium found in bones. It is virtually painless and only takes a few minutes. The test can be performed in the bones. I had done to me on the heel. I sat down and my foot in the X-ray machine, and it was. Do not worry about that. It will not hurt.

♥ ʝɛɳ ♥ said...

the density per unit volume. If bone mass is reduced because of their age, the density is low. You can use a special machine for the use of the lower body or CT.

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