Saturday, January 23, 2010

Vegan Detox What Is The Best Way To Detox Your Body?

What is the best way to detox your body? - vegan detox

I am a vegetarian, but I want my whole body detoxification. Suggestions?


Shay p said...


Hydro Colon Therapy - colon irrigation - detoxification and cleansing of the body.

The large intestine has an important role in the digestive tract of humans. Therefore, we offer you the opportunity to cleanse the body part by Hydro-colon therapy. This method was introduced in antiquity and its modern form was developed in the United States. Since this method can overcome the consequences of an inappropriate lifestyle, insufficient system resources and are often the effects of modern medicines, including antibiotics on intestinal flora.

Why go through Hydro Colon Therapy?
In the curve of the colon is the continuous accumulation of debris, that is a breeding ground for spoilage and fermentation processes shape. Yeasts, molds and bacteria multiply in the remains, and alter the natural balance. They also produce large quantities of toxins (poison), which pass through the mucous membranes, then absorbed into the bloodstream and lymphatic system. Basically, the weightBody and immune system, and the occasion for a series of health problems and diseases. It so upset the ability of the intestinal mucosa to vitamins and nutrients. Among the most common complaints that are connected to this process can, for example:

Acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, allergies, various complaints form
Obesity, abdominal distention, constipation, joint problems, arthritis, hypertension, low back pain
Headaches, chronic fatigue, weak on defense, the tendency to disease, anemia, body odor, bad breath
Treatment Progress
The procedure is performed lying on your back for the training of staff - qualified nurses and lasts about 45 to 60 minutes.
Water for small customers is pumped alternately hot and cold, introduced through a tube into the rectum. Irregular temperatures stimulate peristalsis and bowel cleansing. Hydrotherapy gently dissolves and cleans the intestinal contents, including toxic wastes, the mass of sediment, pathogens andParasites. At the same time activates the immune system. Water with feces is outside the body, no smell, odor, because the whole system is closed. The customer can see the contents of irrigation in a transparent tube during the procedure.
The therapy is as Hydrocolon Nice and create a feeling of content. Treatment does not cause pain or cramping. Completed at certain stages of the process is intuition.

Preparation before treatment
One day before the irrigation is adjusted to only foods easy to digest food, for example, fish, yogurt, kefir, mashed potatoes, pasta, soups, vegetables, tea, juice. It is inappropriate, bloating foods, for example, legumes, fresh baked goods, herbs, cabbage, vegetables and fruit, meat, milk.

Recommended number of procedures
Under the terms of this method of purging is complete 3 to 5 applications to be completed 1 to 3 in the first week. After the irrigation is recommended to take a preparation for the microbial flora - the pharmaceutical companies lactoflora North. SubsequentLy is convenient to a cleaning elevator go once a year.

Make an appointment if you wish.

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The prices of services
Prices for services for the period
3 Application of the drawing - all bark 0 min 2100 CZK
the next application, the cortex after 60 min 700 CZK
1 single application of 60 min 1190 CZK

Sarah R said...

One of my freinds is a vegan and only eat fruit and vegetables for a week (all organic), and she only drank water, dressing on each salad or nothing

debrah_m... said...


Mr. Smartypants said...

Detoxifying agents are much more counters.

I make it rain said...

You can use the dandelion tea (detox tea is best) and liquid (rich in vitamins and proteins to keep) for 3 days. When you eat, eat, light salads, organic vegetables, etc ... Do not go too well, you do not need certain nutrients?

DT said...

Try wheat grass juice .. is the best natural detoxification.
They are available fresh at Jamba Juice if you do not want to do in an emergency at home.

bigmacbr... said...

Drink 3 liters of water per day. No juice, no sugar. Only water and healthy food and good.

J.E.R. said...

Water and fruit and vegetables
Consumption of food without added sugar, salt, preservatives, etc.

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